Ordinary into Extraordinary: Anticipating the Mission Trip to the Dominican
Sarah Tucker : Member of the Broadway Family
Have you ever been on a mission trip? If you haven’t have you ever thought about what it would be like to go on one? Would you leave the comfort of what you know to immerse yourself in a situation, place, and/or culture that you don’t know to Live Christ?
November 7-16 Greg Sexton, Senior Minister, will be taking a group of people from Broadway to the Dominican Republic. These people will be helping Eastern Dominican Christian Mission, one of our Go Global missions, love and minister to people in the Dominican. We were able to talk to Sarah Tucker, a member of the Broadway family, about her feelings on traveling to the D.R.
Broadway: How do you feel about going to the Dominican?
Sarah: I am very excited and am greatly expecting God to work in us and through us.
Broadway: What do you expect to do while you are there?
Sarah: There are many things we will be doing, and some are going to stretch me in new ways. There are several work projects planned that we will assist with. I have been given the opportunity to speak at a ladies event. My message is called "Ordinary Into Extraordinary" and incorporates my testimony of how God has changed my life in the past couple years. I am also privileged to speak at their youth group. My desire is to challenge the youth to make right choices and not compromise in their relationship with God.
Broadway: Are you looking forward to going? If you are what are you looking forward to?
Sarah: Being a teacher, I am looking forward to spending some time in the newly opened K-4th grade school. Going to another country can be hard in many ways- leaving the comforts of home and family- but I've learned those are the times I grow the most. Each trip God continues to teach me more about the cost required to fully serve and follow Him. I hesitate to say I'm going on a "mission trip", because my mission doesn't change the day we leave. My life's mission is to live Christ wherever He calls me, whether it's in Coles County, Alaska, New Mexico, Haiti, or the Dominican Republic.
Broadway: How can we pray for you and the mission team traveling to the Dominican?
Sarah: My prayer is for our safety, that we will be a blessing to everyone we encounter, that the Gospel would be evident in all we do and say, and that I'd grow ever closer to God and the other team members during this week. I'm sure I'll return with a changed perspective and many stories to tell!
Have you ever been on a mission trip? If you haven’t have you ever thought about what it would be like to go on one? Would you leave the comfort of what you know to immerse yourself in a situation, place, and/or culture that you don’t know to Live Christ?
November 7-16 Greg Sexton, Senior Minister, will be taking a group of people from Broadway to the Dominican Republic. These people will be helping Eastern Dominican Christian Mission, one of our Go Global missions, love and minister to people in the Dominican. We were able to talk to Sarah Tucker, a member of the Broadway family, about her feelings on traveling to the D.R.
Broadway: How do you feel about going to the Dominican?
Sarah: I am very excited and am greatly expecting God to work in us and through us.
Broadway: What do you expect to do while you are there?
Sarah: There are many things we will be doing, and some are going to stretch me in new ways. There are several work projects planned that we will assist with. I have been given the opportunity to speak at a ladies event. My message is called "Ordinary Into Extraordinary" and incorporates my testimony of how God has changed my life in the past couple years. I am also privileged to speak at their youth group. My desire is to challenge the youth to make right choices and not compromise in their relationship with God.
Broadway: Are you looking forward to going? If you are what are you looking forward to?
Sarah: Being a teacher, I am looking forward to spending some time in the newly opened K-4th grade school. Going to another country can be hard in many ways- leaving the comforts of home and family- but I've learned those are the times I grow the most. Each trip God continues to teach me more about the cost required to fully serve and follow Him. I hesitate to say I'm going on a "mission trip", because my mission doesn't change the day we leave. My life's mission is to live Christ wherever He calls me, whether it's in Coles County, Alaska, New Mexico, Haiti, or the Dominican Republic.
Broadway: How can we pray for you and the mission team traveling to the Dominican?
Sarah: My prayer is for our safety, that we will be a blessing to everyone we encounter, that the Gospel would be evident in all we do and say, and that I'd grow ever closer to God and the other team members during this week. I'm sure I'll return with a changed perspective and many stories to tell!