God has led me to pray each day this month for something specific regarding my mission trips this summer. I am sharing these so that you can stand with me in prayer (as God leads you) as I prepare and am gone May through July. I have a certainty in my heart that this time is preparing me for something bigger, so I want to cover it in prayer.
Day 1: Financial Fundraising- God is providing what I need, when I need it!
Day 2: Spiritual discipline to be in the Word daily- stand on the truth
Day 3: Wisdom on what to do or not do- how to help the people, not hurt them
Day 4: Relationships with my teammates- that we'd be one minded and build lasting friendships
Day 5: Leadership at Sonlight as they make decisions about the school- the teachers
Day 6: Leaders of Haitian Christian Outreach- the organization we r working with the 2nd part of trip
Day 7: Leadership at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch- full time staff as they prepare for and run camp
Day 8: Stability of the economy in Haiti
Day 9: Open hearts for those we talk to in Haiti and New Mexico- campers in my cabin
Day 10: That I'd be open to the Spirit's leading every moment
Day 11: Patience with myself and others
Day 12: Humility
Day 13: Protection from spiritual warfare- the enemy rages when God works
Day 14: That God would give me the words to say when I need them- or just be quiet and listen
Day 15: Boldness to share the Gospel and speak the truth
Day 16: Unconditional love for those I serve- not judgmental
Day 17: Faithfulness in everything, even the seemingly insignificant things
Day 18: Peace, especially in the midst of trials and turmoil
Day 19: Positive attitude not dependent on emotions or circumstances
Day 20: That joy would permeate from my life
Day 21: Open doors for the future God has for me- in His timing
Day 22: Willingness to jump in and do whatever is needed
Day 23: Strong prayer life- not worry but take everything to God
Day 24: That I'd be content with what I have and where I'm at
Day 25: That God would bring others into my life to walk this journey with me
Day 26: Good weather
Day 27: Safety in all the activities we do
Day 28: Emotional strength to process what I see and hear- Haiti will be quite different
Day 29: Physical strength- it has to come from God, because I have learned I can't do it on my own! (not be too exhausted or sick)
Day 30: Safe traveling- that all our flights would be on time, traveling around Haiti