It feels very different this time around! I know more of what to expect, which leaves less "surprises". The changes don't seem so major. I begin to understand how crucial friendships are during this time of transition. To have people that will support, encourage, and listen. I find I am more confident in going to the store, taking a taxis (got this down), and attempting to communicate in broken Spanish. The weather, as humid as it can be at times, is much easier to handle. It seems this summer is cooler, or I am just more used to it. We have been blessed by frequent rains that bring coolness, as compared to last year when we were in a drought. I have established a church family and don't have to "church hop" to find where God wants me to attend. God is doing great things at Vida Nueva. Most recently some of the people in the church opened a pediatric medical clinic in a nearby area that will greatly benefit from it. We had the privilege of going to pray over this new ministry before it officially opened (just this past week). Buying groceries is no longer an overwhelming task trying to read labels in Spanish and check prices (pesos vs dollars). My menu is expanding beyond peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or quesadillas. Mom would be proud. I am living in a different apartment that has awesome airflow, especially at night! I love the fresh air and not having to use my air conditioner.

Everything is unpacked and I am settling in very well. This place has quickly developed a feeling of home for me. Of course I can't get over the view of the sunsets from the 4th floor (and the view of the city at night). Breathtaking!

However, the walk up all those stairs still leaves me huffing and puffing by the 3rd floor. I've learned to always make sure I have everything before I go down, or it isn't important enough to go back up to get it! The pros definitely outweigh the cons (like I'll be in great shape).

The new classroom building at SCS is coming along very nicely. A lot of progress was made during the summer and left me amazed when I returned and saw it again. The workers have had quite a giant task moving many classrooms of belongings all over campus while finishing landscaping, painting, carpentry, and electrical/technological work. They have worked so hard to have it ready for the new school year and I can't thank everyone enough. The classrooms have awesome built in cabinets and drawers (almost more space than I know what to do with). The white boards have been hung (and are magnetic, which was a very pleasant surprise for me). Furniture is finding it's place, and teaching resources are going up on the walls. I've spent a lot of time unpacking boxes and organizing materials (with a lot of help from an awesome aide). Every day brings new surprises. This is the nicest classroom I will have ever taught in during my 13 years as a teacher.

I'm super excited to witness the reactions of students and their families as they see all the improvements around campus!
Year two brings less homesickness and greater independence. I've been reminded recently that I can't always choose the trials that come into my life, but I can choose my reaction. I can fight what God's trying to teach me and miss the lesson, or I can accept it and allow Him to reveal to me the lesson I can learn in the midst of the fire. He's in the process of refining and testing me. God has a greater plan and purpose for my suffering that goes beyond what I can see. Many times it's simply a change in perspective that I need. This year is going to hold many challenges, but the rewards will be far greater. I have an incredible opportunity to share Christ, through my words and actions, with my students and their families. Just a few short days and our campus will be filled with excitement and laughter from students and teachers ready to begin another school year!