No, I'm not referring to the most popular song from the movie "Frozen", but I'm sure many would admit it's the first thing that came to mind when they read these three words.
Recently these have been the hardest three words for me to hear. I'm continually learning as I walk this journey called life. I love to hold onto things- to remember, dwell on, come back to them. Sometimes this is a positive thing- good memories, important milestones, life's exciting moments. Sometimes these are things I can change- day to day choices, my own attitudes, perspectives, or reactions. But then there are those things that I can't control- other people's choices, death, sickness, and so much more. This is where it has been really difficult for me. I like control, but God's been asking me to give that control over to Him. He's not forceful, but patiently waits. This is what genuine trust and faith requires. God tests my love for Him by asking me to "let go".
Seems easy, right? Too often I'm holding onto things from my past, things that give me security, or things I find familiar, thinking I'm okay. In reality, I'm holding myself back from going forward, unhindered, into a much deeper relationship with God. A place with far greater rewards. I'm finding that as I start letting go of control there is a freedom that comes with it. A freedom to see God move in my life and those around me. A freedom to experience God's blessings in a way I couldn't receive them, while holding onto my plans. When I look at example after example of people in the Bible, I am reminded each follower of Christ had to let go of something. There is a sacrifice, a cost, involved. God's teaching me to give up things that are so insignificant compared to following Christ. It took me a while to recognize these strongholds in my life. However it is a lifelong journey- a constant evaluating of what I'm allowing to take the place of Christ and letting it go. What's so encouraging is that Christ continues to pursue me!
His plans include the best for me and even though I can't see what's down the road and fear starts to creep in, His gentle whisper "I'm in control. Trust me." brings a peace to my heart. He directs me and gives me just enough light for the step I'm on. And that's enough for me to "let it go".