Praise God I've made it to Santiago! God is so good to me. I met two other single teachers (one is my roommate) and the high school principal, Owen, at the airport in Miami and we traveled together the rest of the way. It was AWESOME to have Owen help with custom paper questions, get through customs and immigration, and collect all our heavy luggage in Santiago! Ryan, something about him reminded me so much of you!) It was smooth sailing the entire way today. The flights were on time and there wasn't any bad turbulence. My luggage stayed intact and all of the luggage arrived. I had some great conversations with strangers about where I'm going and what I'm doing. I stand amazed. When we exited the airport we met up with some more staff including Paul Gibbs, who I finally got to meet face to face after talking with him over the phone and though email. We dropped Heather off at her apartment and then went to Lori and I's apartment. I walked in and thought I was dreaming. Three bedroom, three bath. My room has a walk in closet. I don't need dressers or shelves. It's simple, but it's ours (with a third roommate coming tomorrow). They have provided food and some household things to get started which I'm so grateful for. Soon I'll have air conditioning at night, thanks to the generosity of a great friend. As we drove through town, I just felt peace, like I had finally made it home. Tomorrow we go shopping...
P.S. Sorry about the white background. I won't always copy and paste from my facebook, but I'm going on 24 hours of no sleep. :)