Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

I couldn't think of a better way to end this year than spending the last couple weeks with my family and friends here in the United States. It was different leaving the Dominican Republic this time, because it had become my home, not just finishing a short term mission trip. Yet, I felt like I was going home, too. I started to wonder what or where is "home" anymore. But those thoughts were quickly tucked aside when I saw my family waiting at the airport and later walking into momma's house all decorated for Christmas. It has been a time of rest, refreshment, and catching up on life.

I've spent a lot of time traveling, but have enjoyed some much needed downtime. I've been able to see all the Christmas lights I love at this time of year. I've bundled up in layers to brave the cold (yes, 40s and 50s are cold compared to 80s or 90s). I've had to remind myself how to drive, and not by Dominican rules (stoplights/stop signs aren't optional). I've made many trips to Walmart (and other stores) and packed out my suitcase for the trip home with things I can't find in the Dominican Republic. There are moments I've found it very strange being able to understand people wherever I go, such as church, the store, restaurants, and not having to have someone translate for me. I've had my fill of my favorite foods (and put on a few pounds). It is great to see my family and our time together has been so precious, but a part of me misses home. I wonder what my students have been up to, how my neighbor is doing, and I miss the sun and warmth. It's like being caught between two worlds, but I'm learning to enjoy the moment I'm in.  

Earlier this evening I mentioned to my family that I wasn't going to post anything about the new year because, academically, we are only halfway through the school year (so it doesn't feel like the end of a year). But, it makes sense to look back at this time of year to see all that I've come through and look ahead to what the future may bring. I started 2015 with this verse and it only seems all to fitting to claim this verse for the next year:"But forget all that- it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:18-19 NLT).  God's ways are so much higher than mine. 

Looking back...

This past year has been a year of major changes! I loved living back at home with my mom for several months during my transition time. It gave us some good time together before I moved out of the country. She was so willing to open her home to me. For that I am very grateful!  After a short interview process I accepted a teaching position at Santiago Christian School in the Dominican Republic in February. In many ways I felt like I was taking a flying leap into the unknown. However, God had been preparing me long before this. 
The school I had been teaching at for 11 years closed its doors in May. Letting go of this familiar setting was hard, but I had to trust that God had a perfect timing for this tough change. I really enjoyed my last year with a great group of students, and goodbyes were very difficult. I knew that was the end of one chapter, but the beginning of the next.

My younger sister graduated from high school. It was a time of celebration and time to let her test her wings. I'm glad I was here to watch her finish her senior year. She's accomplished so much in her high school years and I couldn't be more proud of her! She is now in college to be a dental hygienist and working two jobs.
I made some great memories with the junior high and high school youth groups. It's been a joy watching students grow in their relationships with each other and seeing their commitments to follow Christ. I treasure the memories we've made over the years and the relationships I've made with them as well as the youth sponsors. One of my greatest moments was seeing one of our students baptized in Lake Michigan (it was freezing). I will admit I miss the interactions I had with the older students since I moved to the DR.
I also watched my niece graduate from preschool in June. I can't believe she's started kindergarten. Time is flying! All three of them are growing up so fast. Two are now in preschool and one in kindergarten. 
My big move to the DR happened in July. I love the song "Day One" by Matthew West. This felt like it was day one of the rest of my life. It was a new beginning, a fresh start. The following months were full of adventures and learning how to live and teach in another country. I was able to make a classroom into my classroom/our classroom. Now it is filled with student work and projects to show what we've studied. I also had several opportunities to travel this beautiful island, and I still have so much to see.  
I'm so grateful for the support system God has given me both in the US and the DR. The other teachers and staff at SCS have become like family to me. We have laughed together and cried together. We've rejoiced on the easy days and encouraged each other on the rough days. I couldn't be in a better place. I am thankful for the times that God has answered my prayers like I wanted (like getting the job at SCS) and the times He chose something different (like months of severe migraines). 

Looking ahead....

I am excited to see what this next year will bring! I continue to adjust to life in the Dominican Republic, and I'm sure there will be more changes/challenges along the way. My goal is to learn the language and be able to reach out more to the community in whatever ways that God opens doors. I want to grow in my relationship with God, so I can be a living example of Christ for my students. I may not know exactly what will happen in 2016, but I have seen God prove His faithfulness to me time after time and that won't change. So....