Sunday, April 27, 2014

Running the Race

nervous smile before the race
she's ready to go
Recently I had the opportunity to participate for the first time in a 5k at Champaign, IL, as part of the WBGL Team Abolition International with my sister, Hannah. I hadn't done much training aside from my regular walking and workouts each week, but I knew I could easily walk it. My nerves started to kick in as we got our shirts and bib numbers. Before the race, we gathered with the WBGL staff to pray and get a team picture. This is when I realized, this is really happening!
WBGL Abolition International team picture

before the crowds converged

Hannah and I waiting to line up
After we took the picture, Hannah and I walked to the starting line where we had to wait for over an hour for the race to start. This was the hardest part for me- standing, waiting, and the questions that flooded my mind about what was ahead in the next 3 miles. In the beginning there weren't too many people, but by the time we lined up there were close to 7,000 people. We were arranged according to our estimated finishing times, so Hannah and I were in the last two corrals. They sent each group off separately, so things wouldn't be too crowded. As the sun was setting the time had finally arrived. We sang the National Anthem, got the all clear from the police, counted down, and group A (the fastest runners) was off and running. After a minute or two they counted down again and group B started and so on until they got to my group (group E). 

The anticipation continued building as we walked up to the starting line and the final seconds counted down before we were told we were a go. Once we cleared the starting line the chips in our bibs started clocking our time. The first thing I noticed was that the roads were lined with people cheering for the runners. Everyone started off running, but many dropped back to walk as we got closer to the one mile mark.
seconds before my group was given the go ahead to start
I kept at a steady pace and told myself not to push it. I found it helped to have such a large group to run with. I enjoyed seeing the parents run with their children. I passed the one mile mark and still felt pretty good, so I decided to keep running. There was a water stop between one and two miles, which re-energized me a bit. Once I passed mile two I was determined to not stop running. I focused on those around me, the people cheering on the sidelines, and quoted Bible verses about not giving up and enduring to the end. I don't have many chances to push myself to the limit, but this was one chance I had. As I ran I thought about why I was doing this, why I had chosen to be a part of WBGL's Team Abolition International. There are so many people caught in human trafficking. It is a much bigger problem than I had ever imagined, even in our state! I was running to represent those who can't run, who aren't free. The back of my shirt said "Jesus came to set the captives free". Our team had spent several months raising money to build a home for those that are rescued. Thinking on this gave me the strength to keep running. The last 1/2 mile was the hardest for me. Even though the sun had set I was quite hot and it took a lot of determination to keep running. Once the stadium was in sight I got a last wind for the last 50 yards and finished the race in 38 minutes. The stadium was full of people that had already finished or people waiting to welcome their friends and family. I had made it, but now it was time to cheer my sister though. She ran the last 50 yards and I missed her crossing the finish. I was really proud of her for making it under an hour!

I am really thankful that even though we didn't complete the race together we still were able to share the experience of doing our first 5k. We met up with some other friends that had also run for some last minute pictures before heading home. I am very thankful that God kept us safe in running (no muscle cramping), gave us the strength and endurance we didn't think we had, and allowed us the opportunity to serve others through this event.

Sarah, Tasha, and Alyssa

There are several things I realized while running the 5k that are similar to the Christian life. Hebrews 12:1-2 says "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.…" I had to have endurance. Even though I didn't necessarily train for this race, I had done many things that built up my endurance. It also says to throw off all that hinders or entangles you. I wouldn't have run well if I had decided to take everything I thought about carrying that I might need. I had to lay it all aside. I fixed my eyes on the goal, the finish line. I didn't keep looking behind me to see who was there, because that would have slowed me down and possibly caused me to stumble. I couldn't let myself get easily distracted by those ahead of me or the crowds on the sidelines. I had to stay focused. In life it is easy to get distracted and lose focus of what is important- our relationship with God first and living Christ so others see Him through us. Like it says in 2Timothy 4:7 I want to say " I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith". Is it easy? No. At times I wanted to stop, but the reward is worth it. 

So, I have conquered a 5k. I think it's time to train to do a 10k. After that? Who knows.