Thursday, September 11, 2014

Letting Go and Moving On

After returning from spending the summer at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, God has really been impressing upon me what it means to completely surrender- my life is not my own. With God's grace, I've been able to stay faithful to my daily devotions and I recognize how much I need to be spending time with Him before my busy (and often crazy) day would begin. One Sunday morning, on the way to church, I heard something on the radio that prompted a sudden thought (I know now it was clearly from God)-"You need to move home with family and save money so that when I (God) open the door to new expanses, nothing will hinder you." I was surprised, but let it go as I went into church. Greg, our pastor, preached about submitting to God's word and His work- our lives are no longer our own, Christ lives in us. It got my attention after earlier that morning. I was afraid to mention it to my family because of what their responses may be, but God opened the door for me to bring it up with my mom within the next week. Amazingly, she agreed and said that time is too short to put off what God clearly directs us to do. Then I had to figure out how to talk it over with my sister, and again God opened the door.  She agreed and mentioned that God may have had her look at apartments in the spring for such a time as this. It would work out well, since our lease is up in October. I kept praying and seeking direction from God and those I trust. 

I knew moving home would only be a stepping stone, but it would involve giving up a lot of my possessions. God is testing me to see if, like the rich young ruler in the Bible, I'm going to sorrowfully turn away. Mark 10:21-22 MSG "Jesus looked him hard in the eye—and loved him! He said, "There’s one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow me.” The man’s face clouded over. This was the last thing he expected to hear, and he walked off with a heavy heart. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and not about to let go." It isn't easy to give my things away and at times I want to hold on. But God reminds me these things are temporary and laying up treasures in Heaven will last forever.

Several things confirmed God's direction for both Hannah and me. What a peace to walk in the center of His will! So at the beginning of November I'll move home and Hannah will move into her own apartment (her first time living alone). I will continue to do as God directs, when He tells me. I don't know what's ahead. I do know that God wants to take me to places I've never been and to heights I can't imagine. I am done with being so afraid of taking a wrong step that I fail to take any step at all (which I've done for too long). He wants to accomplish great things in and through me that can only happen if I'm living by faith. Jeremiah 42:3 "Show me the way in which I should walk and the thing I should do." Proverbs 16:9 "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." God is teaching me to take bigger steps of faith in order to prepare me for what He's calling me to do in the future. He's showing me that I miss out on His blessings if I'm not willing to do the things He's already revealed to me. 

So, all this to say, "Lord, have Your way with me. I'm ready and willing to let go and take this leap of faith."

"Help Me Find It" by Sidewalk Prophets

I don’t know where to go from here
It all used to seem so clear
I’m finding I can’t do this on my own

I don’t know where to go from here
As long as I know that You are near
I’m done fighting
I’m finally letting go

I will trust in You
You’ve never failed before
I will trust in You

If there’s a road I should walk
Help me find it
If I need to be still
Give me peace for the moment
Whatever Your will
Whatever Your will
Can you help me find it
Can you help me find it

I’m giving You fear and You give faith
I'm giving you doubt
You give me grace
For every step I’ve never been alone

Even when it hurts, You’ll have Your way
Even in the valley I will say
With every breath
You’ve never let me go

I will wait for You
You’ve never failed before
I will wait for You
I lift my empty hands (come fill me up again)
Have Your way my King (I give my all to You)
I lift my eyes again (Was blind but now I see)
‘Cause You are all I need