It has been a busy month. My headaches continued, so I was able to see the neurologist. After her exam, she ordered several tests, including an MRI. I've learned over the past several weeks to be content in resting. There were days I had to give control of my class over to subs and realize that was okay. As a wise doctor told me, "These students (your classroom) are not yours alone. They are God's, and we are all in this together as a team." I have had very good experiences with the medical staff here in the Dominican Republic. I know a lot of people have been praying for me, for which I am very thankful. After lots of rest and some new medications, my headaches have become much less severe, and I am slowly building up strength to have a social life again. My students (and their parents) were very patient with me and I know many days I wasn't easy to have as a teacher. God has a perfect timing for everything. I got the tests I needed. I got some much needed answers (yet still some questions remaining). It's a continual learning process of how to be the teacher my students need.
In the midst of resting, I've been able to slip in a couple days away. This past weekend I went with a group of friends to a beach up north called Buen Hombre. It was a more secluded beach. We walked the shore, finding some amazing shells. After lunch we went out in a boat to see some mangroves and possible manatees (we didn't see any manatees). The trip had a rough start with the waves picking us up and dropping us (like a roller coaster). This resulted in some of our group having to return to shore. The rest of us went out for try two. It was better and we learned to link arms to keep from being thrown around (and I moved to a better spot- not in the front). The mangroves were so cool to see in person (I'd seen pictures or exhibits). We kept saying how peaceful it was driving through them.
Then we continued to a sandy key in the middle of the water. It was just a little island with fine white sand, shallow areas around it, and reefs beyond that. We swam around, enjoying the view, the peacefulness, the beauty, and each other's company. We don't have pictures of the boat trip since no one wanted to risk losing a phone off the boat or in the water. It reminded me of the lyrics "You make me brave, you make me brave, you call me out beyond the shore into the waves..."
I loved seeing a new part of the country up by Monte Cristi (close to the Haitian border). On the drive there and back we were stopped at military checkpoints. Our driver, Hugo, knew exactly what to do and we had no problems. No trip around this island is ever the same. There are always new things I learn about the culture, the people, the land (such as the rows and rows of banana trees we passed). I've met new people and grown in previous relationships. I'm learning to open up and not be afraid to experience life with others.
Parent/teacher conferences have come and gone. I am so appreciative of the parent's support at SCS. I enjoyed getting to talk to a lot of them and hear more about their student- their hobbies, interests, etc. The parents I talked with were so happy with the class and how their student was doing. My reply was that it is only God working through me, as this is my first year teaching ELL students in another country and there have been many adjustments.
Our neighbor continues to be a huge blessing to us. She takes us shopping on the weekends and recommends outings to places we haven't been yet. She has been available for me the last couple months as I've had severe headaches and listened when I needed someone to talk to. She translates for us when we go places. God knew what He was doing when He put us, girls, in this apartment.
As the holidays approach, I find it's a little harder to be away from family. We had our Thanksgiving traditions, and this will be the first time I'm not home to be a part of them. I was able to make plans for a weekend getaway, which I am very excited about (thanks to my dad). I'll have more to say about that in a couple weeks. In 35 days I will be heading home to see my family and friends. For many of us, this cannot come soon enough. But for now, I will continue to enjoy my students, friends I'm making here, the amazing adventures I get to experience, and the awesome 80-90 degree days here in the Dominican Republic.