These are my top 10 memories of the past decade that I want to share:
1. Births of my nieces and nephew: growing family
- Hailey (2010)
- Katy and Jacob (2012)
2. Summers as a counselor in New Mexico at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch (2011-2014): growing in lasting friendships and my relationship with God
3. Health: growing in dependence
- mild traumatic brain injury from a bad fall
- hospitalization
- vertebral artery dissection
- neurological issues
4. Mission Trips: growing outside my borders
- Haiti (May 2013)
- Dominican Republic (2013, 2014, 2019)
6. Training for and running a 5K (2014): growing physically healthier
7. Beth's High School Graduation (May 2015)
8. Teaching: growing professionally and venturing out
- closing of Charleston Christian Academy after 11 years (May 2015)
- Santiago Christian School (2015-2018)
- Sunshine Preschool (2018-2019)
- Homeschooling (2018-2019)
9. Losses/gains: growing emotionally
- deaths of several close friends
- deaths of pets
- moves
- job changes
- adoption of furry friends
10. U.S. Traveling: growing in experiences
- Pennsylvania (2016)
Hershey, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Westward journey with mom (2017): 10 states, 9 days
Mount Rushmore
- Michigan trip with Hannah (2019): exploring the northern part of the state
- Wisconsin Dells (2019): celebrating some special 7 year olds
I always look expectantly upon the new year. I know it will bring times of challenge and sorrow. But more importantly it brings growth, joy, and HOPE. Whatever happens, one day I will look back and see how God fits it all together. I'm ready for some new adventures. Welcome 2020!