Thursday, December 31, 2020

Finding Blessings in the Struggles: Revisiting 2020

The last day of 2020. I never could have imagined one year ago how life would be so different in the upcoming months. In a short time the world shut down: travel stopped, schools/churches/businesses closed, store shelves emptied, and life moved online. Fear swelled, panic broke out, and life as we knew it halted. In its place brought covid case testing, toilet paper and cleaning supply shortages, stay-at-home orders, mass production of masks and sanitizer, and media overload. Yet in the midst of the chaos, God remained faithful. His blessings didn't end; I just had to look for them. This was a choice I had to make, especially when I was overwhelmed with negativity. 

Instead of looking back at 2020 wishing it didn't happen (although at times I did), I look back with gratefulness. Every year brings joy and heartache, and this year was no different in that regard. I asked often throughout the last year why God would be allowing all of this chaos to happen. He was in control of it all. He could make it stop. However, the answer I got was it wasn't my job to know the whys. I simply needed to trust. Maybe God wanted to send a "wake up call" to slow down from the fast paced, overworked lives we tend to live. To focus on more important things, like our relationships with Him and family. Or maybe it's to focus on others' needs and how to serve them. Whatever the case, I believe He is orchestrating all the events for His purpose. 

I'm so grateful for the addition of my nephew in April. In the midst of all the confusion that was going on, he was like a bundle of hope/light coming into our lives. I have gotten to watch him grow and reach milestones the last several months. I'm thankful for more time with family: doing puzzles, playing games, watching movies, and just being together. I've had time to pick up old hobbies such as scrapbooking, camping, playing the guitar, and reading. The stay-at-home months gave me more focused time to spend with God in prayer and devotions. 

God showed his daily provision by giving us exactly what we needed when we needed it: replacing a furnace and washer, fixing water heater and stove gas leaks, transmission repair, and more in just a couple months time. He provided jobs for my sisters in the middle of a pandemic. He provided support during the lonely, anxious times, whether it was in person or through zoom calls. I was able to continue homeschooling online and maintain an income. He truly is the great provider. 

There were also many opportunities to enjoy God's beautiful nature: walks, camping under the stars, sitting in the backyard by a fire, or hammocking by the lake. I began to really appreciate the quiet moments and found peace during the times of reflection and rest. I'm thankful for seemingly little things like being able to buy a pool for the backyard (since I love to swim), a day out shopping (even if we had to go to Indiana), coffee with a friend, seeing my co-op kiddos' smiles every week, and spending holidays with family (even if it didn't turn out quite as we hoped). 

Technology is a blessing. I was able to attend a wedding in the Dominican Republic via zoom. I am able to see my dad, even though he has been "locked down" for most of the year, and he can see his grandson. I can facetime family to keep up to date. Groceries can be ordered and delivered. Bible study groups can still connect. Churches went to online services, reaching more people who wouldn't have gone to church otherwise. What an opportunity to send the gospel into countless homes!    

This year has given me a lot of time, maybe too much, to overthink things. Typically I would fill my days with busyness to keep my mind occupied, but with so many things closed or cancelled it was difficult. I've been learning to not run from the slow pace, but to use this time to face what I fear, enjoy a quiet moment, press in to God, and connect with the people I'm with. 

I can acknowledge I miss the "normalcy". I miss hugging my dad. I miss going to our library with my student and teaching in person. I miss going out to eat with family and sitting in a restaurant. I miss the pre-mask days. I miss traveling without restrictions. I miss a lot of things that I won't list. However, I'm reminded that these days won't last forever. Certain things will go back to "normal" in time. I won't take them for granted when they do.  

I recognize how tough this year has been, but I am thankful for the blessings that have come from it and the things it has taught me. I know God's faithfulness will continue to carry me through whatever 2021 brings, because His faithfulness endures forever.  

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Decade of Memories

Wow! It's already the end of another year, another decade as well. As I reflect back over the past ten years, I recall so many amazing things that have happened. As is life, there were highs and there were lows. I remember times of dancing around with excitement at wonderful news and times of deep sorrow that seemed to crush me. I have felt overwhelming depression and anxiety, yet also overwhelming peace. I have experienced devastating loneliness as well as building of new friendships. I've gone through times of financial instability, yet God has ALWAYS provided exactly what I need. He truly is the Good Shepherd. It's hard to take a decade and consolidate all that has happened, but I want to remember how I grew and changed. Many times I don't realize the importance of these moments, relationships, or events, until years later. I see how, despite my feelings at times, God has walked through every second of everyday with me, JUST AS HE PROMISED. He has guided and directed my steps according to HIS perfect timing, not mine. He has been refining me in the fire, regardless of how painful it is. My trust and dependence on Him has been tested and strengthened. Through it all, He is GOOD! 

These are my top 10 memories of the past decade that I want to share:

1. Births of my nieces and nephew: growing family

  • Hailey (2010)
  • Katy and Jacob (2012)
2. Summers as a counselor in New Mexico at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch (2011-2014): growing in lasting friendships and my relationship with God

3. Health: growing in dependence
  • mild traumatic brain injury from a bad fall
  • hospitalization
  • vertebral artery dissection
  • neurological issues
4. Mission Trips: growing outside my borders
  • Haiti (May 2013) 
  • Dominican Republic (2013, 2014, 2019) 

5. Volunteering with Broadway Christian Church (2013-2015): growing the next generation
youth conference: Holland, Michigan
youth conference: Peoria, IL
Ugly sweater Christmas party
ice skating with the girls

6. Training for and running a 5K (2014): growing physically healthier

We finished!
Awaiting the start
7. Beth's High School Graduation (May 2015) 

me and my baby sister
8. Teaching: growing professionally and venturing out
  • closing of Charleston Christian Academy after 11 years (May 2015) 
  • Santiago Christian School (2015-2018) 
  • Sunshine Preschool (2018-2019) 
  • Homeschooling (2018-2019) 
9. Losses/gains: growing emotionally
  • deaths of several close friends
  • deaths of pets 
  • moves
  • job changes
  • adoption of furry friends
10. U.S. Traveling: growing in experiences
  • Pennsylvania (2016) 
    Hershey, Pennsylvania

    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Westward journey with mom (2017): 10 states, 9 days 

    Mount Rushmore

  • Michigan trip with Hannah (2019): exploring the northern part of the state 
  • Wisconsin Dells (2019): celebrating some special 7 year olds
I always look expectantly upon the new year. I know it will bring times of challenge and sorrow. But more importantly it brings growth, joy, and HOPE. Whatever happens, one day I will look back and see how God fits it all together. I'm ready for some new adventures. Welcome 2020!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Wow! Another year has flown by! It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating 2018 and here we are again, one year later. In January I went with 13 friends to Samana in the Dominican Republic. It was a trip filled with rainstorms,  rainbows, an epic boat ride, and lots of laughter! Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate with my students. We had photo props, a party with lots of goodies,  and fun games. In March I returned to the states. The following months were some of the most difficult I've ever faced. I had many things I needed to address and much healing that needed to take place. But God remained faithful through it all. He strategically placed people in my life to walk with me, to encourage me, and to challenge me. People that kept pointing me back to God's perfect time and plan. In this season God had to strip away everything that hindered me from going forward. I've had to learn that healing is a journey, not a specific point I reach. It's a journey with mountains and valleys.

Summer was busy with babysitting, a trip to New Mexico to reconnect with friends, and a trip back to the Dominican Republic. Beth got married in July! It's hard to believe my little sister is married.

In the fall God blessed me with jobs in the "teaching line". I got to experience being a preschool teacher's aide and homeschooling a 3rd grader. Both of which I love doing!

I loved being back to enjoy fall: the pumpkin patch, wonderful smells, fall foods, falling leaves. Fall is never long enough though.

Another big lesson that God had to teach me (is teaching me) is the value of being still. In October, life threw me a curveball. I went to the ER after experiencing extreme vertigo where I was diagnosed with a vertebral artery dissection. After being hospitalized and given an MRI, a stroke was ruled out. We could see God's hand over this whole situation because I was in the right place at the right time to be given the best care possible for this diagnosis. I was on strict limitations for several weeks. It is scary not to be able to see an injury or control what's going on inside of me. But I felt peace knowing I would receive good care whatever happened. In November I had some concerning symptoms that landed me back in the ER and after another CT scan I found out that the artery dissection had healed itself! It didn't explain my new symptoms, but this was a huge relief. This truly was something to celebrate on Thanksgiving.

Being home for December meant I got to help with all the Christmas baking and decorating. I'm "sugared out", filled up on Holiday Baking Championships, warmed by Hallmark movies, and entertained by Christmas lights with music. I loved family time and Christmas Eve candlelight services.

Christmas season is over and it's time to look forward to a new year and all it brings. In 2018 God taught me that "sometimes it requires more faith to work on the inside, to deal with my mental health, than to go off to another country". My perspective had to be changed. I'm excited to see what God has for me in 2019. My words for the year are hope and courage. Many times this past year felt hopeless, but where I felt most hopeless is where God showed up and is restoring hope. I had also been afraid to face many things so I could heal completely, but God is giving me courage, to step out of my comfort zone, and I know He will continue to do that as I embrace what He allows in my life.

So, welcome 2019!

"I only see a fraction of what God is doing in my life and it may not make any sense."