Friday, April 11, 2014

When One Door Closes, Another Opens

Four months ago I started an application process for a teaching position in the Dominican republic. I felt God calling me to go. He opened every door along the way and I was following His lead. There was complete peace with every step I took. But in the last few weeks my heart started saying stay here. God is blessing things I'm involved with- at school and church. There are so many things I do not want to leave. I love serving with our church. I want our school to stay open and grow. I am connecting with the students in our youth group more each week (especially my 6th grade girls in small group). I had the opportunity to go with the junior high students to the Believe Conference in Peoria. So, I started questioning if He was done with me here. However I did not want to make my decision based on emotions. So I waited on God to open or close the door- which felt like forever. Recently I found out they went with the other candidate based on their 2nd language skills, as much as they were impressed with me. I feel so much peace knowing God has closed one door but He's NOT done with me here! I get to return to New Mexico this summer and reconnect with campers/staff, continue working with awesome youth groups, teach where I love another year, and expand my volunteering in the community. There are endless opportunities. In His time He'll direct me if He chooses to send me somewhere else. Looking back I realized that God taught me so many lessons through this journey (that never really ends). He showed me what it truly means to rest in Him- to have such a close, dependent relationship with Him that I find peace that passes human understanding no matter where I am or what my circumstances are. He brought me through times of waiting and helped me not jump ahead of His timeline. God has confirmed His will for me to remain here multiple times through my conversations with family, my excited students, coworkers, youth group sponsors, etc. It is comforting to know I'm right where God wants me at this time in my life.