Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Decade of Memories

Wow! It's already the end of another year, another decade as well. As I reflect back over the past ten years, I recall so many amazing things that have happened. As is life, there were highs and there were lows. I remember times of dancing around with excitement at wonderful news and times of deep sorrow that seemed to crush me. I have felt overwhelming depression and anxiety, yet also overwhelming peace. I have experienced devastating loneliness as well as building of new friendships. I've gone through times of financial instability, yet God has ALWAYS provided exactly what I need. He truly is the Good Shepherd. It's hard to take a decade and consolidate all that has happened, but I want to remember how I grew and changed. Many times I don't realize the importance of these moments, relationships, or events, until years later. I see how, despite my feelings at times, God has walked through every second of everyday with me, JUST AS HE PROMISED. He has guided and directed my steps according to HIS perfect timing, not mine. He has been refining me in the fire, regardless of how painful it is. My trust and dependence on Him has been tested and strengthened. Through it all, He is GOOD! 

These are my top 10 memories of the past decade that I want to share:

1. Births of my nieces and nephew: growing family

  • Hailey (2010)
  • Katy and Jacob (2012)
2. Summers as a counselor in New Mexico at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch (2011-2014): growing in lasting friendships and my relationship with God

3. Health: growing in dependence
  • mild traumatic brain injury from a bad fall
  • hospitalization
  • vertebral artery dissection
  • neurological issues
4. Mission Trips: growing outside my borders
  • Haiti (May 2013) 
  • Dominican Republic (2013, 2014, 2019) 

5. Volunteering with Broadway Christian Church (2013-2015): growing the next generation
youth conference: Holland, Michigan
youth conference: Peoria, IL
Ugly sweater Christmas party
ice skating with the girls

6. Training for and running a 5K (2014): growing physically healthier

We finished!
Awaiting the start
7. Beth's High School Graduation (May 2015) 

me and my baby sister
8. Teaching: growing professionally and venturing out
  • closing of Charleston Christian Academy after 11 years (May 2015) 
  • Santiago Christian School (2015-2018) 
  • Sunshine Preschool (2018-2019) 
  • Homeschooling (2018-2019) 
9. Losses/gains: growing emotionally
  • deaths of several close friends
  • deaths of pets 
  • moves
  • job changes
  • adoption of furry friends
10. U.S. Traveling: growing in experiences
  • Pennsylvania (2016) 
    Hershey, Pennsylvania

    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Westward journey with mom (2017): 10 states, 9 days 

    Mount Rushmore

  • Michigan trip with Hannah (2019): exploring the northern part of the state 
  • Wisconsin Dells (2019): celebrating some special 7 year olds
I always look expectantly upon the new year. I know it will bring times of challenge and sorrow. But more importantly it brings growth, joy, and HOPE. Whatever happens, one day I will look back and see how God fits it all together. I'm ready for some new adventures. Welcome 2020!