Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Following My Dream

In December I started reading the book The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. God spoke to me through this book about my dream of serving God in another country full time. I watched my dream unfold as I continued reading.

Ordinary (the main character) told his father that he thought he was born to do this thing he dreamed about. He had been given a feather. His father replied that he also had a feather/dream but that he waited too long and it turned into dust. He told his son not to wait, but to pursue his dream. So, Ordinary left his home in Familiar to pursue it. He faced many fears and obstacles along the way. He made hard choices and big sacrifices. Several times he wanted to turn back, but he didn't. The Dream Giver reminded Ordinary along the way that He was always with him and promised to help him. Even when Ordinary couldn't see the Dream Giver, He was always near. When Ordinary found his dream, the Dream Giver called him to surrender his dream. It was a difficult choice and hard to understand, but when he did, he realized that his dream had grown. Now it wasn't about just Ordinary, it was about the Dream Giver's big dream for the world. It was beyond what Ordinary could imagine. He noticed a memorial built of stones. Every one had the word "Remember" written on it. Standing by the monument to the Dream Giver's goodness, Ordinary felt awed and surrounded by many witnesses. He put his own stone on top. Ordinary learned to want the Dream Giver more than he wanted his dream. Yes, Ordinary encountered many giants along the way, but every one was an opportunity for the Dream Giver to receive honor. When the Dream Giver finally brought Ordinary to his dream, Ordinary realized the big needs of the anybodies matched perfectly the big dream in his heart and it was time to DO his dream.

I have seen many similarities between Ordinary's life/journey and my own. I also realized God had given me a dream. I have waited too long to start following this dream God has given me. I can wait no longer. It is time to leave my comfort zone (Familiar) and start this new chapter of my journey. I will face fears, but I can take courage in spite of my fear. Just as Ordinary had to walk through wastelands, so must I, but I will be able to look back and see that God was faithfully at work and increasing my faith in these times. These are the times God is preparing me to be the person who can do my dream. When He seems absent and everything is going wrong, I must trust Him and patiently wait. The areas where I struggle most are the areas that I need to trust God more. I have made the commitment that no matter how hard, how long, how painful the wilderness seems I will not turn back! God is showing me more and more of my sinful flesh, but He is showing me so I will allow Him to change me in those areas. His light is entering those dark areas. I face giants- some so big I can't possibly overcome them. But, He will give the victory. Every giant is an opportunity for God to be honored. May I never be comfortable with where I'm at, but ready to pursue the bigger dream God has for me.

I love how Bruce Wilkinson ends The Dream Giver, "Now may you devote yourself to His Dream for you. And may heaven describe you as one of those rare people who live to achieve Great Things for the glory of God".