Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Dream, God's Plan

In December 2012 is when God really started showing me the reality of going into the mission field full time. Broadway Christian Church had a meeting about three different mission trips in 2013-2014. I was excited about all of them, because I have not been out of the country and God had given me a heart to serve others. I prayed while they were explaining each trip, that God would show me which one to commit to. Knowing Haiti and the Dominican Republic were on the same island, I chose the Dominican Republic as the one I'd start with and see where God led me. I got a chance to talk with Greg (my pastor) about my burden for missions and teaching and he encouraged me to contact the EIU Christian Campus House, because they have done yearly trips to Haiti (Sonlight Academy). I knew I would already be going to the Dominican Republic in November and was planning to return to Broken Arrow Bible Ranch with Beth during the summer, so I put it in the back of my mind until the following year (2014). However, God wasn't going to let me off that easily. December 24, 2012, I talked to Danah, a friend from the EIU Christian Campus House after the Christmas Eve service. I was telling her my excitement about my upcoming mission trip. We started talking about Haiti and how God had really showed me He wanted me to go into mission work full time, possibly at Sonlight. She mentioned that this could be the last year the EIU CCH went to Sonlight, because God was leading them a different direction in Haiti. She went on to say that there were still openings with the team going in May. I took it from the Lord I needed to pursue this farther. She said she'd tell the trip leader I was interested and set up a time for us to meet. God didn't arrange this meeting for nothing. From the first time I met Elise (the Haiti trip leader), I could see her enthusiasm for mission work, especially Haiti. I knew this was my opportunity to go check out Sonlight. The first hurdle was asking the school board if I could take off 8 days of school. I had been gone a lot in the fall due to family circumstances, so I wasn't sure they would approve it. January 8th, I had a dream in the early morning on the day the school board was to vote. God spoke to me and said I WOULD be going to Haiti. I felt peace all day waiting to hear the decision. The vote was unanimously yes. I was at small group that night and got to share with a couple of the people there how God was proving Himself faithful already. Then some health concerns came up that could have been potentially very serious, but after testing everything was normal. The biggest giant I had to face was finances. Going on three mission trips in one year was a big cost. I had peace from the beginning that the God who called me would provide everything I needed in His timing and in His way. I just had to believe and take each step in faith. As soon as I sent out letters, the money started coming in, a little at first, and then by hundreds. Each time I was handed a check, I was speechless and overwhelmed by God's provision (often in tears of thankfulness). February 10th, after a presentation at a local church, I was given in that one night alone more than half of what I needed for the Haiti trip. Two and a half months before the trip and the Haiti trip is paid in full! I just about have the Broken Arrow trip paid for completely and part of the Dominican Republic trip. I am humbled, amazed, and so grateful that God has seen fit to bless me in incredible ways. It is nothing of me and all of Him!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Why Haiti??

In the last couple years, Angela Taylor, a friend and fellow teacher for 7 years, made several trips to Haiti. Each time she returned, she shared with the students and teachers about her trip- what God had done in her and was doing in Haiti (specifically Sonlight Academy in Port-de-Paix). She spoke with a passion and it was evident that her heart was with the people in Haiti. She told me she would up and move there to teach if she could take her family with her. Many times she would pull me aside and try to convince me to go with her the next time. I think she realized that if I went one time, I'd fall in love with the people like she did. I kept telling her next time. I had been going to New Mexico during the summer, and finances had been tight. Then, she was diagnosed with cancer. I kept saying that God wasn't done with her, it wasn't her time to go. But, in November 2012, God chose to take her home. It was a hard loss, because she was a partner in teaching and we shared a passion for serving others. I realized that life is short, that any day can be my last day on earth, and that I couldn't keep putting off what God had called me to do. So, I took my first step.....

Angela's last year of teaching at CCA

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Summer At Broken Arrow Bible Ranch 2012

Orientation Week: Orientation week is a great chance to get to know the other staff, the camp layout, the duties the wranglers and counselors will have during the camp season, and to review the foundations of Christian living so we are ready to teach the campers. At the end of the week, we pack up everything and head into the mountains in Colorado. The drive is beautiful and it's a good opportunity to get real with God and each other.
Broken Arrow staff for the summer 2012
my tent mates on our camping trip in Colorado
the beautiful lake we stopped to eat lunch at

Week 1: What a wonderful way to begin the summer! (Or after a great week of orientation should I say continue the summer). We had around 110 campers. I had 9 campers in my cabin. They were a great group of girls that I really grew to love. They ranged in age from 8-12 years old. Most of them were saved already and understood what that meant. I had a great opportunity after skits Thursday to pray with one camper who is saved, but is from an abusive home. She is dealing with a lot of peer pressure from friends too. After I talked with her, prayed, and shared verses, she said she felt much more at peace. I reassured her God was still with her even in the dark moments and that God would take care of her. I also had a camper whose parents are in a bad custody battle and she’s dealing with other things as well. These campers are hurting, but I can show them God’s love and power. These times really helped me bond with the girls and several said they would really miss me and wanted to be in my cabin again in the future. I also had a chance to talk with parents that came to get them Saturday. They are very encouraged with this camp and what’s going on. I also found myself growing so much this week, learning total dependence on God, and letting others step in and help me (I tend to want to go through struggles alone so I’m not bothering other people). When I was struggling with the unexpected death of a friend Sunday, I needed ones to help carry the burden. I have found so much comfort in talking with other staff in a way I haven’t experienced before. I feel like we are connecting well as a team/family. I am finding that I walk too much by sight- I need to be listening to God more and walking by faith. (Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the Word of God. We walk by FAITH not by sight).  It’s wonderful to sit back and see the work God’s done already (through many challenges). I’m learning to take one day at a time. Not live by regrets from yesterday or worries of tomorrow, but experience what God has for me today in its fullest. We are really tired, but it’s because we are pouring ourselves out. God is going to keep refilling us as we seek Him. We had many campers stay after skits Thursday to talk/pray and many stood up at campfire to give testimony to how God has answered prayer. We had an awesome work team of 11 here from West Virginia (7 were teenagers). They were an incredible blessing all week! The messages at chapel were about 7 dimensions of God- merciful, rock steady, love, all mighty, all knowing, creator, everywhere. They were undeniably clear to the campers and so practical. I myself now view God with a new perspective. That work team left today (quite sadly for all), but another work team from California arrived today (13 of them). Of course there are always trials when God is working, because the enemy is at war, but God was everything we needed in each situation we faced. We are learning we MUST pray, pray, pray and stand together! We had 108 campers and 12 accepted Christ.

Week 2: This week we had 153 campers with many decisions for Christ. I had 8 campers in my cabin. Every cabin was full due to the number of campers registered. Several of my girls were very quiet and withdrawn at the beginning of the week, but by the end of the week I was able to make some connections and they started opening up some. Other girls I instantly connected with. Towards the end of the week, the temperature got up to almost 100 degrees! Thursday I think I got dehydrated and spent the afternoon in bed feeling miserable. There was a lot of warfare this week for many of the staff. We spent a lot of time praying and I made sure I did my devotions each morning to be ready. Two of my campers stayed after skits Thursday and I was able to pray with them to receive Christ. They really meant it! I then realized why there was so much warfare- God was doing an amazing work in so many hearts and the enemy hates it! At campfire, camper after camper got up and said “I accept Christ” or “I believe in Christ as my Savior”. It was incredible to witness. Friday, as one of my campers left, I was able to talk to her mom. Their family is struggling with divorce and custody battles. She was so thankful her daughter had a good week and asked me to pray for her other two children struggling right now. She’s going to try to convince her daughter to come to teen week and be in my cabin. What a God appointed opportunity! There were so many stories of pain in the lives of these campers. We had opportunities to show God’s love as they are hurting. God is teaching me who I am in Christ (my true identity) and all I have in Him. Satan wants to confuse us with lies to block our effectiveness- such as we are inadequate, etc. My prayer for myself and the other staff is that Satan’s smoke screen of lies will be blown away and our vision into the spiritual realm will be crystal clear. The battle is raging but Christ has already won the victory- the battle is not ours to fight. I found myself totally dependent on God this week again and again (which is a good place to be). As most of you heard I injured my leg and it got infected but after much prayer I am seeing great healing. Thank you for praying for this specifically. A trip to the ER was avoided. Our God is great! Next week is teen week, which is difficult (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). Pray we’d have the right words to say for every situation. Pray for peace in the midst of the storms (which will come). God is good all the time! All I have needed His hand has provided. Great is God’s faithfulness unto me. This week we had 153 campers: 19 saved, 18 assurances, 2 dedications

Girls decorated hats my mom sent

Week 3: Teen weeks always have the potential to be difficult and this week was no different. I had seven girls with an age range from 13-19 years old. Pastor Greg (with the work team from West Virginia) did an amazing week of chapels with messages that connected with every person there- teen and adult. His theme was “Becoming a WERE”- about how Christ can change any of us and we don’t have to go back to where we were before. A couple of my campers shared at campfire, which was from God because none of them showed any spiritual interest throughout the week. 5 of the 7 girls seemed to be here completely for the boys. It was a long, at times discouraging, week but God gave people to encourage and pray with me. Only He knows what happened behind the scenes. One of my campers from last year got up and shared that it's been a hard year for her. She's made a lot of mistakes, but she's reconnected with God. She shared she was so thankful that I just sat with her when words weren't enough. That was evidence God had worked through me the previous summer and I found it very encouraging! There were 111 campers: 3 saved, 7 assurances, 5 dedications.

group games with the teens
Weekly Water Fight

Week 4: After much wise counseling, I made the choice to go to Phoenix, AZ, for a week to visit a friend, spend much needed time with God, and rest. It was with much hesitation, but God blessed my time in wonderful ways. It was a beautiful drive! I got time to pray, read my devotionals, and hear God speak to me about many things I’d been struggling with. I got to spend time with Emily (who I’d just met this summer). She has been blessed in so many ways and I got to hear about what God is doing with her. It was hard to not be at camp and I missed being here, but it was the right decision. I thank God for the spiritual leaders God has placed here in my life to watch out for me when things aren’t clear to me. I was also privileged to go with Anne Knox and Anna Gabriel to pick up the Supai kids at Hilltop on Sunday. We had great fellowship on the 6 hour trip there. Once we got the six campers (they flew up to the top of the canyon where we picked them up) we loaded up to head back. It was quite an interesting trip back! We had a good time getting to know them and a lot of laughter. I now know what they mean when they say Supai kids are coming to camp. It was a blessing to experience it though. They are good kids. It was a long day, but worth the trip! God worked at camp that week and with 109 campers 2 were saved, 15 assurances, and 10 dedications. I made the decision this week that I was done running from my past. I can't change what's happened to me, but I can change what I'm doing with it.

Anna and I waiting for the Supai campers

one of the places we stopped on Route 66

sunset in Phoenix, Arizona

Mission House in Phoenix, Arizona

Week 5: Junior camp was this week (the 4th one this summer). I had an amazing cabin. It was a smaller camp (little over 100 campers). I had 6 girls and God helped me to connect with each one. Monday night one of my girls was homesick but as I prayed with her and comforted her it became clear that there were deeper fears she was carrying that a 10 year old shouldn’t have to carry. I was up all night with her, but even after she finally fell asleep her body jerked. I just prayed for her and her family and kept a comforting hand on her so she knew I was near. What a way to begin the week! Tuesday she was really attached to me, but I noticed an incredible change. She started playing with the other kids, smiling, laughing, and talking more. Throughout the week she’d have difficult moments, but we’d pray and I’d remind her of God’s promises. She is not saved and didn’t want to make that decision this week, but I’m praying that even as she is now home she remembers what she heard. I caught the flu twice this week, which took me out of camp. At times I found that frustrating, because I so wanted to be with my campers. My wranglers did a great job at stepping in and covering for me. God knows what He is doing and I’m continuing to learn to trust Him completely. We ended up getting cabin of the week in spite of the “difficulties”! My first this summer! The next 3 weeks are looking to be very full camps, which we know will mean some challenges. That also means more opportunities to spread Christ’s love. Pray for strength- we are tired! Pray for focus to finish the race. For me specifically pray for good health- the flu just about sent me to the hospital I was so sick. The time is going to pass quickly and it will be time for me to head home. I want to use every moment I’m here to count for something for eternity. This week I learned not to dwell on things I can't change- to do the next thing (take the next step God shows me to). The race we are in is long distance- not a sprint. I need endurance! If I get off course don't stay. Get back on course- it's never too late. The moment I resist satan, he can't keep moving me where he wants to take me. These are some very valuable lessons.

Week 6: This was the week I came to a point of brokenness before God. God showed me I needed to lay myself on the altar- to completely let go of what I've been holding onto. At campfire the pastor talked about being living memorial stones. Each person who was willing to make a decision to follow Christ picked up a stone to remind themselves when they went home of their decision. I told the Lord if any of my girls wanted to go up to share at campfire, then I'd share too. Well, 6 of my 7 girls went up. God made it clear He wanted me to rededicate/recommit my life to Him in front of all 150 or more people. Sharing this decision with my mentors was so joyful for all of us. We had an awesome work team and the speaker gave life changing messages based on the theme of racing.

"Camper of the Week"
Week 7: This was teen week. I really enjoyed getting to know my campers this week. Several stayed after skits to talk and pray. I had a wonderful wrangler, who kept me laughing throughout the week. She went as far as getting down on her knees to beg me to do archery, when I said I was terrible. At that point I gave in and let her help me do it correctly. I didn't do too bad this time! One of my campers got "camper of the week" and our cabin got "cabin of the week". God taught me this week that healing takes time and it will be hard- start with where I'm at (I can't immediately expect to be perfect).

Winnebago Cabin Picture

Week 8: Counting down to see my family and friends back in Illinois. Going to miss everyone so much! The goodbyes are always really difficult, and due to a family death some of my closest mentors had to be gone the last several days of camp. That made it even more difficult. Had a great week- great campers, one got saved, another rededicated her life, good talks, great wrangler. One of my campers got a pretty serious head injury at the concert we have for teen weeks, but God protected her and she was able to return and finish the week. I was so thankful, because she and I had been connecting through some hard circumstances this week. My favorite memory from the week was playing in the rain with my campers. Usually I would try to stay dry, but because it was the end of the week I played tag with them in the pouring rain. It was so fun! They loved seeing their counselor do something crazy.

What a busy, wonderful, and in many ways challenging summer! I went thinking it would be like the previous summer and it was so different. God met the campers, counselors, and wranglers in amazing ways. No one can deny the presence of God at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Next Step In Mission Work- Broken Arrow Bible Ranch

In the spring of 2010, Steve and Ann Knox and their family came to give a report at my church about Broken Arrow Bible Ranch in New Mexico. They challenged us to think about coming to help. I remember seeing them interact with our students at school and being impacted by their enthusiasm and passion working with kids. When I heard a team was going for a week from our area I was thrilled and knew I wanted to go. God had other plans. I was approached and asked if I wanted to go for the whole summer in 2011. I prayed about it and felt God was calling me to go. God provided for me financially in an amazing way and things just fell into place. I wasn't sure going out what my responsibilities would be, but I was willing to help wherever was needed. It was a giant step of faith for me to go (and completely out of my comfort zone), but I knew God was walking with me every step of the way. I said the first week that God was going to turn my life upside down and inside out this summer and that Satan was going to battle to destroy what God was building up. That sums up a lot of what happened in the following weeks. I was a counselor for a cabin of girls- some junior weeks and some teen weeks. I'd have between 7-10 girls a week. I enjoyed getting to know each one as they opened up to me. I remember my first week of camp hearing one of my campers tell me stories of what happened at home. I wasn't sure that I could emotionally bear hearing these stories the rest of the summer. The staff hugged me and said, "You can't but God can! Sometimes all you can do is hold them, cry with them, make sure they know God, love them, and let them go at the end of the week praying God takes care of them." That was my basis the rest of the summer: I can't, God never said I could. But He can, He always said He would! The thing that the staff kept repeating to the counselors every time they met with us was, "Did God fill your cup today?" We were pouring ourselves out to these campers week after week and if we weren't meeting with God to have our cups refilled, we would run out. In my 2nd week of camp, I had a cabin of girls who would not open up. In sharing this at the counselor's meeting, someone said it might take a crisis to reach them. Less than 2 hours later, during the weekly water fight, I fell seriously injuring my head. God had a lot to teach me in the following weeks it took me to heal. God used it to show the campers that He answers prayers, because my injury should have been much more severe. Two of my campers prayed that week to receive Christ. We had roughly 935 campers total during the summer and around 81 accepted Christ with many more rededicating their lives to Christ. One of my favorite parts of the summer was campfire night each week. To hear camper after camper get up and give testimony of their salvation that week or in past camps and how their life is permanently changed is something only God could do. Many got up to share what God had done at home for them and to encourage others to make the decision to accept/live for Christ because it'd be the best decision of their life. Broken Arrow Bible Ranch is a refuge, a safe place, for these campers to come to have fun and encounter God. Not only was this a life changing summer for campers, I learned so much more about God and my relationship with Him. God broke down walls I'd built over years and healed places I hadn't fully let go of before. God allowed me to come to a point, time after time, where I HAD to rely on Him- physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I had to find Him to be my strength in all the times that I was weak. Also, I formed many friendships that will last a lifetime. These people became part of my family. They prayed with me, cried with me, encouraged me, and helped me grow.  This summer I clearly heard God calling me to this work- for now during the summers. I am very burdened for the Native children and teenagers. That each one would hear about God's love for them, how special they are to Him, and the relationship they can have with Him. Many years ago I knew God put on my heart to be involved in mission work, but I had no idea how he'd orchestrate events in my life like me switching from nursing to teaching to get me where I'm at today. I don't know what God will have for me in the future, but I know it's the best. When you are willing for whatever God has for you, whether it's ministering to people here or going to another state or even another country, He can work in and through you in ways you can't imagine. At times I had questions and it was scary to go where I've never been before, but looking back I would have missed out on so many things if I let those doubts keep me from stepping forward. I'm learning that wherever my mission field is at that time in my life, to give 100% to that work.

Past Missions- How It All Began

I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education in May 2004. God immediately gave me a great job at a Christian school the same year. As the school years ended in 2005 and 2006, I felt God calling me to more than spending my summers with no real purpose. I started praying the following school year how God would have me spend my summer. I was talking to the father of a friend who had moved to Kodiak, Alaska, to work. He said I should call the director of Kodiak Baptist Mission. I called in the fall of 2006 and left a message inquiring about summer opportunities, but didn't hear anything back. I assumed that was not the direction God wanted me to take and moved on. Several months later- not very many weeks before camp started- I got a call saying yes they needed help and asked if I was still interested. I was very surprised! I felt God was definitely calling me to go, so I quickly bought my plane ticket and started packing. I was a counselor for the Kodiak Baptist Mission day camp. It was for grades 1-6. I planned or helped lead activities for different camps: pottery, horses, tide pooling, trips to parks, etc. I worked with first graders for small group devotions- read Bible stories and went over memory verses. I volunteered some at the preschool. There were many hardships during these summers including a long flight to Alaska (I hate flying!), getting used to being on an island (no quick way off), Kodiak Brown Bears, lots of rain (we did everything even in rain), and sleeping when it's still light out. I learned that evil darkness still exists in many parts of the world, especially when we went to Native villages. It was very oppressive spending time in these places. We would plan activities for the children to do during the week we were in the village like painting, baking, kayaking, or just hanging out with them. My heart went out to these kids. My 3rd summer in Alaska I had a severe ankle injury that occurred a couple weeks into camp (while on our backpacking trip) and it limited me greatly the rest of the summer. I wasn't able to travel around with the kids as much, but it gave me a chance to help out around the camp with other tasks like helping in the food pantry. God taught me so many things during my summers in Kodiak. A small act of love can make a child's day. I learned how to do a lot of new things like kayaking and white water rafting. What hit me most was the awesomeness of God's creation- the mountains, sighting whales and other wildlife, the beautiful sunsets over the water, finding sea glass on the beaches. I met and was able to build relationships with amazing people. I learned how to depend on God instead of my church and family. I realized how much the enemy will battle God's work and the amount of time I needed to spend in the Word and prayer to contest this spiritual warfare. After the summer of 2007, I was drawn back the next two summers. I saw God do so much in my life, the lives of the campers I spent time with, and the other staff I worked alongside during these three summers! I still miss this place, but God had other plans for me the next several summers.....