Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ordinary into Extraordinary

This is something God has put on my heart the last few weeks:

It's so easy to live life filled with fear, consumed with the question "What If". Too often I base my decisions on fear and forget that the Christian life is about faith- believing without seeing. If I allow fear and reasoning to dictate my decisions, I will miss out on life altering moments such as walking on the water as Peter did, watching the walls fall like Joshua, being a part of the miraculous deliverance of many people like Moses, seeing the mouths of lions shut as Daniel did, finding favor from the king like Esther, and experiencing a giant's defeat as David did. 

The Bible is full of people who purposed not to let fear control them. This same God is waiting for me to simply be willing and available to say yes to whatever He leads me to do. He is waiting for me to step out of the boat, to obey even if it doesn't make sense in the moment, and to not back down on my convictions even if it costs me my life.

My fear causes me to question God's goodness, direction, and power. I find myself sinking as Peter did, missing out on entering the Promised Land, wandering in the wilderness, and ultimately being defeated. The greatness of my faith will be tested. My attitudes, thoughts, and actions are proof and will determine the direction I'm headed. What will I choose? What life altering moments will I get to be a part of? What will I experience that will forever change my view of God and my relationship with Him?

God wants to prepare us for something spectacular- to live a life beyond just ordinary. He is the master potter and we are His clay. He takes us through the formation process to make us something wonderful that He can use as He desires. There are many examples of ordinary people turned extraordinary by their Creator, because of their willingness to be formed by His loving hands. 

  • He was preparing Esther to become queen and save her people from destruction.
  • He was preparing Moses when he was in the palace as a boy and then a simple shepherd to stand before Pharoah and lead the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. 
  • He was preparing David when he was a shepherd boy to defeat a giant and one day become king.
  • He was preparing Joseph in slavery and prison to become 2nd in command and save his family and a nation in time of famine.
  • He was preparing Gideon for victory, removing any confidence in himself or his men and their abilities and placing Gideon in a position where he had to trust God completely.
  • He was preparing Abraham when He promised him a son in his old age, requiring Abraham to believe God would do as He promised no matter how long he waited. Then God tested him to see if he was willing to give up what was most precious to him and Abraham was, because he knew his God was faithful.
  • He was preparing Mary as a simple young woman, an engaged virgin, to be a mother, the mother of the Savior of the world. 
  • He was preparing Paul (a tent maker) when he was shipwrecked, thrown in prison, and beaten, to be his disciple, a missionary, a preacher, a writer of many books of the Bible, and a real example of a servant of Christ willing to suffer for Christ at all costs.

And He's preparing me (a seemingly ordinary person) to be His chosen vessel, a light to the uttermost parts of the earth, a living testimony of how God can take all things and work them for good. As I allow Him, He's making my life into something beautiful that radiates the awesomeness of my Maker.