In December 2012 is when God really started showing me the reality of going into the mission field full time. Broadway Christian Church had a meeting about three different mission trips in 2013-2014. I was excited about all of them, because I have not been out of the country and God had given me a heart to serve others. I prayed while they were explaining each trip, that God would show me which one to commit to. Knowing Haiti and the Dominican Republic were on the same island, I chose the Dominican Republic as the one I'd start with and see where God led me. I got a chance to talk with Greg (my pastor) about my burden for missions and teaching and he encouraged me to contact the EIU Christian Campus House, because they have done yearly trips to Haiti (Sonlight Academy). I knew I would already be going to the Dominican Republic in November and was planning to return to Broken Arrow Bible Ranch with Beth during the summer, so I put it in the back of my mind until the following year (2014). However, God wasn't going to let me off that easily. December 24, 2012, I talked to Danah, a friend from the EIU Christian Campus House after the Christmas Eve service. I was telling her my excitement about my upcoming mission trip. We started talking about Haiti and how God had really showed me He wanted me to go into mission work full time, possibly at Sonlight. She mentioned that this could be the last year the EIU CCH went to Sonlight, because God was leading them a different direction in Haiti. She went on to say that there were still openings with the team going in May. I took it from the Lord I needed to pursue this farther. She said she'd tell the trip leader I was interested and set up a time for us to meet. God didn't arrange this meeting for nothing. From the first time I met Elise (the Haiti trip leader), I could see her enthusiasm for mission work, especially Haiti. I knew this was my opportunity to go check out Sonlight. The first hurdle was asking the school board if I could take off 8 days of school. I had been gone a lot in the fall due to family circumstances, so I wasn't sure they would approve it. January 8th, I had a dream in the early morning on the day the school board was to vote. God spoke to me and said I WOULD be going to Haiti. I felt peace all day waiting to hear the decision. The vote was unanimously yes. I was at small group that night and got to share with a couple of the people there how God was proving Himself faithful already. Then some health concerns came up that could have been potentially very serious, but after testing everything was normal. The biggest giant I had to face was finances. Going on three mission trips in one year was a big cost. I had peace from the beginning that the God who called me would provide everything I needed in His timing and in His way. I just had to believe and take each step in faith. As soon as I sent out letters, the money started coming in, a little at first, and then by hundreds. Each time I was handed a check, I was speechless and overwhelmed by God's provision (often in tears of thankfulness). February 10th, after a presentation at a local church, I was given in that one night alone more than half of what I needed for the Haiti trip. Two and a half months before the trip and the Haiti trip is paid in full! I just about have the Broken Arrow trip paid for completely and part of the Dominican Republic trip. I am humbled, amazed, and so grateful that God has seen fit to bless me in incredible ways. It is nothing of me and all of Him!
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